One of the ways that coronavirus can be contracted is by touching a contaminated surface and then touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.
Because of that, you need to be very cautious about what you touch – both inside and outside of the home.
Beth Abraham Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing has a list of 10 things you should not be touching during this coronavirus threat.
- Toilet Stall Latches
There are many things to be wary of in a public restroom, but the latches to the toilet stall may slip your mind. Regardless of what you touch, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly when you’re done, and don’t touch the door handle with your bare hands.
- Keys
Keys are one of the many items handled with dirty hands. Be sure to sanitize them once you get home from any trip you took in your car, especially if you sat them down on a counter at a store.
- Coffee Pot Handle at Work
If you’re still working outside the home, be careful of handling things that are touched by many people. An overlooked item is the handle to the communal coffee pot. If you have a travel bottle of hand sanitizer, it’s a good idea to keep it in a pocket while at work.
- Handrails
If you’re on an escalator, your force of habit may be to grab the handrail. We don’t need to explain why this is a bad idea.
- Grocery Store Conveyor Belts
The rubber on these belts goes around and around and may not be cleaned that often, and contaminated hands or packaging may come in contact with the belt itself.
- Air Conditioning Buttons in Your Car
You’ll want to be sure to sanitize your hands before getting in your car, otherwise, everything inside that you touch could become contaminated.
- Poles on Buses or Subways
If you need to use public transportation at this time, try to find a seat so you don’t need to hold on while standing.
- To-Go Silverware
You don’t know who handled the silverware or the packaging in your take-out order, so you’re better off using your own utensils once you get back home.
- Restaurant Menus
You’re probably not touching too many menus, but if you stop by a restaurant to place a to-go order, don’t ask for a plastic or laminated menu. Find it on the restaurant’s website or ask if they have a paper to-go menu.
- Water Fountains
If you’re out exercising and there’s a water fountain nearby, opt to bring your own water instead.
To learn more about Beth Abraham Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing and all of the services they offer, visit