Beth Abraham Center is always looking to fill any clinical need.
These specialized units and/or programs introduce advanced methods by unique experts who are celebrated for their pioneering knowledge in the specific specialties.
Cardiac Rehabilitation
Guided by renowned cardiologists, the Cardiac Care team leads the Resident step-by-step through the recovery process, with specialists in digital medical technology, pain management, diet and nutrition, physical therapy and emotional support, all working together to enhance the healing process. The unit includes cardiac telemetry with in-room, live-stream monitor displays and routine visits and clinical supervision by board certified cardiologists. Residents benefit from expert LifeVest system monitoring, TPN & PPN Administration, stat labs, x-rays, EKGs and echocardiograms. Heart-healthy menus and one-on-one meetings with bilingual nutritionists are also features of the unit. With family education and support, as well as post-discharge assistance and follow-up, the Cardiac Care Unit creates a health plan specifically customized around each Resident.